
Independent Expat Finance


This website is designed to inform you about Independent Expat Finance and its products and services.

All information on the website has been carefully selected, however we can not guarantee that any inaccuracies occur. Independent Expat Finance is not liable for the consequences of taking on the information from the website. Independent Expat Finance is not liable for problems caused by the dissemination of information from the website or as a result of technical malfunctions. On this website presented information is not legally binding.

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For more information or advice about mortgages, insurances or consumer loans


On a mission to buy a house in the Netherlands? Let us help you get the keys to your new home!


Reduce financial risks and get the support that you need. Getting the right insurance now may save you a lot of money in the future.

Health Insurances

Health Insurance is mandatory in the Netherlands, but you have a choice of numerous insurers all offering different packages and for different prices.

Consumer Loans

Renovating your home or looking to buy a new car? The right financing can be just a few steps away!