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Thursday, June 15th, 2023

Unlocking Your Dream Home: Why Expats in The Netherlands Should Choose Independent Expat Finance for Mortgage Advice

Unlocking your dream home: Why Expats in The Netherlands choose Independent Expat Finance for mortgage advice Dear Home Buyers in The Netherlands, Congratulations on embarking on the exciting journey of finding your dream home! As you navigate through the process, it's crucial to make informed decisions, especially when it comes to securing a mortgage. While....

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Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

How much transfer tax do I need to pay when buying a property in The Netherlands?

How much transfer tax do I need to pay when buying a property in The Netherlands? We wish we could hand out free tax exemptions but the Dutch tax authority “Belastingdienst” tends to disagree. When you are buying a property here you will often have to pay transfer tax, which in Dutch is called “overdrachtsbelasting”.....

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Friday, February 17th, 2023

Can I take my old mortgage with me when I move house?

Can I take my old mortgage with me when I move house? In just over a year mortgage rates have increased from 1 to 4%. These higher rates mean higher monthly expenses and less borrowing capacity when applying for a mortgage. This in turn together with higher energy costs is pushing prices down in the....

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Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

Mortgage changes in 2023

Dutch mortgage changes in 2023 With the year almost over it is time to look at the changes that lay ahead with regard to buying a property and obtaining a mortgage. Schedule a call for a no-obligation mortgage consultation 1. NHG limit will increase with € 50.000   NHG stands for the Dutch National Mortgage....

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Wednesday, November 30th, 2022

5 frequent questions by first time buyers

5 frequent questions by first time buyers What does the process look like when I want to buy a house?   The first step is a good preparation. You should have a clear view on what are you looking for and if for example you want to be advised by a real estate agent. Get....

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Thursday, November 17th, 2022

How does the energy label impact the price of a Dutch property?

How does the energy label impact the price of a Dutch property? According to the NVM (a Dutch real estate agent association), housing prices for energy efficient homes outpaced those with a lower energy efficiency. These properties are also on the market for a shorter period of time and buyers are more keen to overbid....

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